Cody Kresta Vineyard & Winery

I’ve built 3 versions of this website over the last 10 years. From a very small 5 page brochure to a full-blown CMS, we’ve covered a pretty full spectrum of architecture designed and developed to provide more user tools for editors and authors as well as a better user-experience for this niche audience. Cody Kresta Winery can be visited online here:

When I began working for the owners of Cody Kresta Winery & Vineyard I had no idea what this small winery would do for my career. I’ve been hired for more jobs as a result of this website than I can count. Funny, how things work out cause you never really know…

Another funny thing: I don’t claim to know much about wine but I do know that when you do not sell wine online and each sale depends on users showing up at your tasting room to make a purchase, you have no need for a shopping cart. This site was built to get users to the tasting room.

I targeted this site toward their geographic location and worked on key word phrases that would provide users who enjoy visiting wineries and vineyards the ability to find and visit.